Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women (PW) meets three times a year. There are two “Circles” for Bible study that meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 10 am and 6:00 pm. The PW supports 24 international, national, Virginia, Richmond, and Sandston Presbyterian missions. They work on various mission projects as well as various projects for the church.
Decorating for Easter & Christmas
Each year the PW is in charge of coordinating the decorations for Easter & Christmas with the congregations help.
Worship Luncheons & Memorial Receptions
The PW is in charge of planning our monthly luncheons after worship and also providing hospitality to bereaved families by hosting receptions and luncheons following memorial services.
World Food Day: Can Good Collection
Each year the PW collects canned goods for World Food Day and is given to the Henrico Christmas Mother program.

Circle of Concern
Members of the PW will go visit house-bound members and friends of the church throughout the year.
Hygiene Kits
Each year the PW collects items needed for emergency hygiene kits. Church World Service distributes these kits to disaster victims around the globe. Since 2016, we have assembled 438 kits.
Money Donations
Monetary donations are given to the PW to help them depending on what missions they are working on.